I have recently been working on an online program for developing self-confidence in individuals. I have outlined most of the course, and I have done that based on my own experience in lacking self-confidence, as well as some discussions with friends and a lot of Google searches.

As I was reflecting on what self-confidence means to me, it occurred to me that perhaps this might be a useful discussion point for a Talkback Tuesday post.

So, for this Talkback Tuesday, I would like to invite a discussion around self-confidence. Some questions that may be useful in starting this discussion are:

  • What does self-confidence mean to you?
  • What do you think having a low level of self-confidence looks like?
  • What do you think that having a “perfect” level of self-confidence would look like?
  • When would you assess someone as having too much self-confidence?

I will respond to every comment. I will also look at writing a blog post if you think that might be useful.

In addition to the comments around self-confidence, I am also happy for you to list other topics that you would like to see discussed in future posts.

– The featured image in this blog post is a photo by Quang Nguyen Vinh from Pexels

Who am I? 
I am a leadership and life coach, available for coaching and facilitation services. If you feel that it would be useful to have a conversation with me, please feel free to view my services on the Leading and Being website.

4 thoughts on “Talkback Tuesday – 21 May 2019

  1. Self confidence and confidence itself are a bit of a con game, really. The ‘fake it till you make it’ axiom holds true. Most times that I’ve felt nervous about a new job or a new situation or meeting people for the first time, it’s always required a deep mental breath, and a focus of will.

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    1. Thank you for taking the time to comment. I agree that taking a deep breath, telling ourselves that we will “fake it until we make it” and focusing on the task are all great ways to shift our way of being when faced with potentially challenging situations, and I wonder whether this then suggests that our level of self-confidence is a self-assessment (opinion) that, like all assessments, can change when our way of being (language, moods, body) changes.


  2. I have never been greatly confident. I would say I have learnt to push myself forward and just try to squeeze myself and like above, take a deep breath and do what I need to do. Over the past few years I think I have become more comfortable being me and this has helped my confidence for sure. I am in awe of people who have a lot of confidence and don’t appear afraid to do things. Great post!

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    1. Yes, self-confidence is something that I struggled with for many years, and I used to think that everyone around me looked way more confident than I felt. I was fascinated to discover that not everyone who looks and acts incredibly confident really feels that way! Like you, I feel that being more comfortable being me has really helped. I also now ask myself what is going on for me in language, emotions and body when I am feeling low in self-confidence and then see what I can shift. Lifting my shoulders up and back so that my torso is less hunched, and slowing my breathing down are both always helpful for me, as well as asking myself a question that will help me to move to wonder – “Deanne, what do you think you will achieve today?” for example. Thanks for your thoughtful and considered comments. I really do enjoy reading them and reflecting on them!

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